A Modern Christmas

by Richard Cassidy
(Winston-Salem, NC, USA)

through all of life's lifeiness
through every single storm
through each smile and laugh

long ago, down a seldom used path
long ago, and even now, seekers found it easier to do than to be
long ago, and yet to come, a name was trumpeted whose reverberations are
still shaking mountains low
still waking the dead

your soul, let's encourage our souls
my soul, let us journey on
their souls, we are far from home

as the dawn pierces the dark; we remember

we remember our former lives and loves and loss and can't imagine how we got caught up in such things; and understand how others still cling and grope about unable to see, unable to hear. and yet deep inside, i feel their longing, their searching, and their hunger

when our names were spoke
when the lullaby ceased
when our eyes and ears were opened

maybe, just maybe, like Mary to Elizabeth with such a gift inside

their pregnant desires will leap and grown as The Gift living in us greets their hunger

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