Be The Drug

by Chris Johnson
(Fort Jackson)

I'm be the drug but don't die for me just stay......I don't ask for death I ask for company I'm no grim reaper don't plan to be just spend time with me and make me believe in something other than lies

I don't wanna be the drug you die for I wanna be the drug you keep coming back for that makes you immortal no pain no fears no uncertainty just so you can taste happiness

I'm not the drug to die for I'm the drug to yearn for you get a taste it won't be a waste I swear

I'm gonna be the smoke to your cigarette so I'll always be with you and you'll be forced to inhale me because you won't be able to deny me it
will all be ashes and I'll still linger on

I'm gonna be the high to your weed so you can feel the need to escape inside reality even in your insanity

I'm gonna be the roll to your X and let you talk it out sometimes your so full of doubt

Most of all I'm gonna be the drug that withstands everything and allows it all to let it go make you understand I would do anything to make you feel whole

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