Cancer Eill Not Kill My Mum

by Sarah Baragona
(United Kingdom)

Poppies are her favourite flowers,
she plants the seeds and waits for hours,
to watch the flowers grow,
she is my mum and I want her to know,
how much I love her so.

Through darkness she sees the light,
she is strong minded
there's no need to put up a fight.
When you told me you have cancer,
I prayed to God, why you mum,
what's the answer?

You have showed me what is right and wrong,
but most of all you showed me how to be strong.
You're always there for me in times of need, you're not materialistic, no room for greed.

She finds happiness in the nature around her, seeing the beauty that surrounds her.

Bright and early she gets out of bed,
smiling brightly for her day ahead,
Shopping with dad, Tesco she goes,
where she leaves her trolly nobody knows...
That's my mum, always funny,
even when the days not so sunny.

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