
by Yeni Pratiwi

The world's getting blurred through the glass
It's getting wet and cold
And the time keeps spinning round
And what you doing?

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Feb 26, 2015
Reply to Robert
by: Yeni Pratiwi

Dear Robert, thank you very much. I would be glad if you put this poem on your book ^^

Feb 09, 2015
by: Robert Henry Poulin

GOOD FOR YOU. A short to the point haiku style poem so nicely done. 10 stars. I am in process of writing a book on happiness: Zen, Shinto, and the Tao. I am selecting a few poets to include in my book and if you are interested in allowing your poem CHANGES, I would love to use it. There is no payment but I will give credit to the poet and place of publication. I will be selecting about 20 poets, I think yours fits nicely with my message.

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