by d-dog

“Daisy, Daisy how do you grow,
With your leaves and petals that seem to glow?”
“I grow from the soil that gives me strength,
For my roots to grow quite a length.”

“Daisy, Daisy how do you grow,
With your leaves and petals that seem to glow?”
“I grow from the sun that glows so bright.
I stretch up tall when it shines its light.”

“Daisy, Daisy how do you grow,
With your leaves and petals that seem to glow?”
“I grow from the rain that falls out of the sky.
It dampens my leaves so that they won’t dry.”

“Daisy, Daisy why must you go?
Your leaves and petals are no longer aglow.”
“Summer has gone and so must I.
I’ll see you next spring but for now good bye.”

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