
by Alihusen

I see a ray of light shining down
Wiping the tears and the frown
The last few years are left to feel
Transcending the words that aren't real
Playing in the street with a broken guitar
Traveling the world in a rusty car
Forgetting all along who you really were
Embracing the lie that ain't real
Trapped within the mysterious glow
Your demons try and alter the show
Then those who were locked in fear
Overbear the self that you hold dear
You plead with them and say you're done
The gods call out to you, a little more son
But the dreary dream never ends
And your life ends, for others to comprehend...

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by: Rukaiya

Very deep..

by: Imran

Bhai Shayar thai gyo..
Well said nice lines..👌

I am proud of you Mr g00gle.!
by: Aakash

I really don't have words to describe how deep this piece of art is. Great work my brother.. Really looking forward to get some more of it from you :)

by: Aditya

This is great :) looking forward to more from you.

Nice :D
by: Smit

I cannot say for certain thai I really understand what it means but it does make me feel something.

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