
by Joinicy

For a long time I have bled
but not just the color red
all these words they bleed from me
so I can let them free
but as my senses fade and wine
I just can't get inside
the thoughts stuck inside my head
and words that just can't be said
they whirl in my mind
the rhythm keeping time
With the sounds of screaming silence
I'm trying to keep my composure through
days I'd rather just turn blue
a sorrowful dream that wouldn't come to last
but rather just burn and crash
trying to keep nice and light
but I'm slowly losing sight
of the only true thing I am to mean
and that is my long lost dream...

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by: Anonymous

Go to "sunleaze" where we are roasting chestnuts on the old aga. Laughing as we wrap Christmas presents for our loved ones. That is where I go in my minds eye.

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