Erin My Love

by Daniel

Erin, My sweet young submissive Love.
Willing to learn and serve.
So close, but so far away.
I see her in my dreams,
Standing there, next to me.
Asking myself, can this be true,
We talk, we text and email.
She is young and tender.
Her passion is focused
On submissive pleasures for me.
Willing to endure our time apart.
Our wants are the same.
Our present time is a
Challenge to each.
I feel a deep burning inside
I hold back the long lost urge.
I have to wait till the day
I hold her in my arms.
Days go by so slowly
Nights are filled with her sweet images
The thought of her in my arms
Feeling her love, Hearing her voice
Makes my heart pound.
I want her in my life,
Kiss her lips, taste her love,
Feel her heart pulse.
My journey begins …

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