Guardian Angel

by Daisy Kizza
(Johannesburg, South Africa)

When tears threaten
and pain strips me to the bone
All I crave for is a heart shaped stone
To replace the warmth that resides in my chest
Take away this hope of mine happiness
Make me see things for what they truly are -
Yes - stop that feeling before it claims my heart
Yes - quit the nonsense of wishing on a star
Yes - stop all the hoping, "I'll be the lucky one!"
Have to accept my fate for the fact that it is
That I was born solely for the act of this
Yes - to be the hand to pull them out the darkness
To be that voice of strength, whispering,
"You can do this..."
Always a bridesmaid, never a bride
Yes - never to cross the threshold,
only to guide them through the right path
and to the right door
Wave and big smile, "What you waiting for?
I am she who will believe
when you find you cannot keep pushing forward
when your fear begs you to stop
Always for the good things - ever the optimist
Telling you not to quit when you wanna give up
I will try to bear the weight
when your strength is failing
Try calm the seas for you to have
your smooth sailing
Push away the clouds
and command the sun to shine
If only to stop the rain
and make you smile
I will be there holding your hand,
even when I know that you're wrong
and you're at blade's edge.
Just so I can carry you to a place of safety
And remind you that,
"Mistakes happen, don't let this be the end . . ."
I am like a guardian angel,
ever caring for the world
Taking on the bullet
even when I know it will hurt
Smiling for you when you can't,
even when my heart is aching
Coz that's just the way I'm wired
- strong even when I'm breaking . . .
For you . . ✽

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