
by Justchillin

You must believe in God, they said
I learned this as a child.
I was told he loved the good ones
And didn't love the wild.
I believed this very story
So made sure I did behave
By being kind to everyone
A smile, a friendly wave.
I said my prayers aloud each day
My heart was full of love
Little did I really know
There was more to God above.
Then one day, something happened
Not easy to explain
Wind was blowing through my hair
And gold light fell like rain.
I couldn't keep from smiling
I had never felt such love
I closed my eyes, and was embraced
By an angel and a dove.
Light was all around them
And suddenly I knew
That there was more to living
Much more for me, and you.
So everyday I took the time
To just sit, and close my eyes
I started asking questions
And much to my surprise
I heard a soft voice whisper
But the words were really clear
'Believe, and have a knowing
That it IS already here'
I thought about a feather
I did it with Intention
It was white and golden
There could be no exception.
I visualised it clearly
The silk, the softness too
I felt such love, and gratitude
I knew it would come true.
I said my prayers as always
Was thankful, and so glad
Of all the lessons I had learned
The good ones, and the bad.
The next day I woke early
I had tossed and turned that night
Dreaming of the feather in
The sunshine, oh so bright.
I turned to face the window
I smiled, for I could see
A white and golden feather
Lying next to me.

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