Just A Dream

by Weikang Zhang
(Suva, Fiji)

I thought I’d never wake up
From that seemingly forever, heavenly dream
It felt all too real, and all too perfect,
So perfect that we overlooked
The chant of illusion that we cast upon it.
Under the drizzling rain, and the
Red little umbrella that I held,
Our lips met, our hearts melted, our souls longed,
Longed for what we truly desired.
Across the horizon, in the midst of the heavy twilight,
Every part of me was burning with passion and devotion.
It felt magical, it felt otherworldly,
As if we could reach into the air and hold it
I could write it in the stars, in the souls of our part
You said you loved me, you said we were forever
It led me to believe that you were the one,
Because when I had it, there was nothing like it
The intensity, the tranquility, the electricity
Everything fell into place
And all I could ever see was the future of ours
Painted in bright, vibrant colors;
Colors that we both adored.

But it was all just a dream.

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