Method of Madness

by Kevin Nguyen

I was born in Los Angeles, California.
My main hobby growing up was watching movies,
I especially loved On the Waterfront, The Wild One, and The Godfather.
In high school, I participated in my very first play.
The play was Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.
From then on, I knew that I wanted to become an actor.
I’m warning you though June, I am an extreme method actor.
I adopt my character’s behaviors and mannerisms that I am playing until we are done filming.
You’re lucky I’m not filming anything right now,
But if you want to continue this relationship, then you will have to put up with my method.

June, you look absolutely lovely tonight.
Especially your neck, I could just sink my teeth right into it.
What? Do I sparkle in the sun?
Why June, that is absolutely preposterous.
Where did you get such a ghastly idea?
Nevertheless, I have a question for you.
I have been dying to say it, because there is a lot at stake.
We have been in this unholy union for quite some time now.
So I wish that you will officially become my countess,
And be my partner for eternity.

Yo wazzup? Our son is born?
Yeah you the man June.
Oh dang, this kid is smoking hot.
Looks like he takes after his swagalicious father.
When he grows up,he be getting all the ladies.
Hmmmm, what to name him though.
I got it, I’ll name him Savior of the World.
No? Fine June, we’ll name him Kevin.
Might as well be chick repellent.

It looks like my time has come at last.
My son, I want you to inherit my legacy.
I want you to expand our empire’s borders
All the way to the ends of the earth.
Our dynasty shall last until the end times,
And our family name shall be perpetually revered.
And with these words,
I pass from this world to the next.
Wow, we are finally done filming this movie.
Time to go home and watch Mighty Morphin Power Rangers with Kevin.

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Jun 19, 2017
Method of Madness
by: Mrs Stray cat blues

Theres another one he's added to his repitoire K DUB. An odd kind of growling in a phoney " forest " venicular. VERY STRANGE! thanks for sharing. Another winner! X

Nov 18, 2016
Method of Madness
by: Anonymous

Have you ever seen his lookalikes? LOL

Sep 28, 2016
Method of madness
by: Anonymous


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