More Than Just A Friend

by Sky
(Port Elizabeth, South Africa)

You mean so much to me, more that just a mere friend. I've just felt that I needed to let you know, just once more, how much I care for you. You've helped me find a very special side that was hiding deep within, waiting to be set free by someone like you. You've seen me through it all, be it good or bad. I've been holding back the real me, scared that I'll be rejected once again for whom I am. You've crossed my path, showing me the best me that I can be is by just being myself. You've given me memories that nobody could ever erase. Just for once I'm begging for a chance for me and you, for we have wondered how it will be yet you never give us that opportunity. Why are you holding back? I'm always here when you need me, yet the one time you wish to take a chance always disappoints you. Why do I still believe there is hope for us, when their seem to be none. Why do I torture myself by being near you, when you speak about others. Am I just a friend until the end? Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's already to late.

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Jul 25, 2017
More Than A friend
by: Anonymous

It will never be too late. X

Jun 22, 2017
More Than Just A Friend
by: Anonymous

Maybe she dosent know who's friend or foe anymore? Intimidation is all she knows. So many people masquarading as you.

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