R.I.P Tracy M U

by Eugene
(N Las Vegas Nevada, USA)

If I could go back with the knowledge I have I would've been a real friend with your best interests in mind. Instead I was 26 and enjoyed your warmth. Your warmth was the first I had ever felt and one I didn't know how to let go of. I was blind to see how I unintentionally was your enemy. My lack of finances was not the life you deserved. Would to God I could do right by you today and impart to you some token of my friendship that you could keep for the rest of this life, but you are gone. Your last breath was made. You left behind a child that wasn't mine but belonged to a man you met after us. I still love you with every breath. You were my first love. My heart still bleeds in remembrance of your warmth. All the world before and since is cold and without human feeling but that was not the case with you. You knew how to be nice and polite and always smile even in adversity. You had a heart that was sharing and compassionate. I remember our first and only dog we ever had. What happened to him I wonder. You used to bite my ear the way he did. Whatever happened to that Beagle? I never thought I could meet a girl with a heart so big... too big for this world... with a love of 2 lifetimes bestowed on me in 1/2 a year.

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